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2019 F Cox Memorial Cup 5th May

F Cox Memorial Cup 5th May 2019 


Alty ‘new boy’ Brian Nichols has triumphed in his first appearance in a board comp since  joining just a few weeks earlier ...  he had signalled his intentions with a win in a midweek Social just 10 days before where he was cut 0.4 but still retained his 22 hcp status ... today Brian had 4 3 point scores and found himself second at the turn even though he had blobbed the 7th. ... by the 15th hole he had established a 2 point lead and a crucial 7th 3 pointer at the last sealed the win ... his 40 point haul gave him a slender one point victory . The handicapper was again suitably impressed and he was reduced by 1.2 to 20.5 ... this observer can see more strong showings at this seemingly lenient mark given his form . 

John  Rossiter is now established as the Clubs’ Secretary and the extra responsibility of that exalted position is clearly not affecting his golf . Wily JR is constantly working on his game and has fortnightly sessions with coach Curtis as well as usually playing our hallowed course 4/5 times per week . Today JR immediately put himself into contention with a double 3 point salvo on the first two holes , then played to handicap before adding a further 3 pointer on 6 before his only front nine blemish on 7 and a 20 point score at the turn left him just a point behind .His back 9 started badly as he blobbed the benign 10th but a rollercoaster set of holes followed with a superb 4 point birdie on the ever-challenging 13th the highlight but dropping points on both par 5s meant that he stood on the 16th tee 2 points off the pace ... an 8 point haul on the final trio of holes left him one short but nevertheless a credible second place which saw the handicapper reduce him by 0.6 to 16.7 but crucially retaining his 17 handicap status .


Sash Nearsoo has recently returned to Alty after a couple of years away at neighbouring Sale ... this talented individual has worked hard at his game to achieve a single figure handicap but he wasn’t at his best in his front 9 with 3 single pointers and a blob on the ‘easy’ 9th leaving him 5 points off the pace at the turn ... another reverse on the benign 10th put him further behind but he regrouped superbly to post 4 3 pointers in his last 8 holes and a back 9 21 point haul to take third place .


Mark Hand is another new recruit to our membership and he started his campaign with a 9 stroke blob on the opening hole ! The unassuming golfer achieved his only 3 pointer on the next hole but a further blob on 4 and two one pointers left him well down the field with just 13 points at the turn .Like many high handicappers Mark took time to get to grips with the round and his massive ‘ best in show’ 23 point back 9 haul included a 4 pointer on the demanding 15th and 4 further 3 pointers which rocketed him to fourth place ! Another new boy taking advantage of his initial handicap mark but only denied by a slow start .


Special mentions ...

Nathan Butterworth had a superb front 9 and his gross 1 over 36 equated to a massive 21 point haul and leading at the turn with the highlight a birdie on 6 . Sadly he could not repeat the majesty of his opening nine and could only amass 10 points in his next 6 holes with no 3 pointers . Even so he still found himself just 2 points away as he stood on the 16th tee ... unfortunately he blobbed that hole and despite 3 pointing the last found himself in a seventh place finish . 

Norman Crowther has again challenged strongly at a board comp today and his 19/17/36 score was good enough for sixth place ... the former Captain and self-styled Alty Master of Ceremonies had started poorly with a couple of 1 pointers but birdied the tricky 3rd hole (the opening salvo of a  4 3 pointers in 5 holes spell) with an untidy 5 on the ‘easy’ 9th restricting him to 19 at the turn ... his only 3 pointer on the back 9 came on the arduous 14th thus condemning him to finish 4 points light on this occasion and still awaiting his first board comp win in 3 years . 

Keith Walton Sr continues to build on his reputation as one of our most consistent low handicap performers ( ball-striker on the course and ball-finder at Dunham Forest GC with his faithful dog often in tow ) and he again featured here ... he put in a solid but unspectacular 7 consecutive 2pointers in his front 9 start was ruined by only gaining 1 point on the relatively benign closing 8 and 9 to a mid table 15 points ... a consecutive  3point salvo on holes 12-14 put him on the fringe of contention but he couldn’t maintain form and although he amassed 21 points it left him fifth . 


Defending Champion watch ...

David Christian spent most of last year as the clubs’ most improved player and was trying to defend his title playing off a handicap four less than last year ! Despite this situation he was just 4 points off the pace at the turn ... unfortunately he couldn’t get into a challenging position but 17/16/33 with two blobs and a finishing position of 15th. of 51 starters was a fine defence .