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Remembrance Trophy 15th August 2020

The Remembrance Trophy contenders ...

Name ... scores after hole 136912151718
Dave Drury26131926354143
George Sainthouse37152129333840
David Royle0391624313739
Mark Snape14111726333739
Keith Ralston14101722303538
Keith Walton Jr16121925323538


Dave Drury (19/24/43) has come through the field  to beat 50 rivals and win the Remembrance Trophy in fine style .

Your scribe was honoured to play with DD and he started steadily , playing to his handicap on  5 of his initial 6 holes . A huge drive , approach shot to the green and 2 putt had given him his first 3 pointer on 5 . He was sloppy ( an ‘adventure’ in his words) on 7 to record his only blob of the round and stood on the 8th tee languishing in mid-table with 13 points needing to regroup . His drive was left , wayward and in the tree line meaning he could only get his approach shot level with the adjacent 7th white tee with still 20 yards away from the hole . Dave used his trusty 52 degree wedge and played a deft chip which he sensationally poured straight into the hole for a 4 point birdie 3 . A 2-point par at 9 ( just missing his birdie putt ) saw him get to the turn on 19 points just 2 off the lead . 

Dave had putted superbly well throughout the front 9 from all distances either converting or leaving himself a tap in . On the back 9 he went into overdrive with his second 4 point birdie 3 on 10 and a more routine 2-point par on 11 maintained his momentum as he approached Amen Corner. Once again his drive on 12 was long but in the trees to the right necessitating a lay up and a third shot that just managed to clear the water . A rare blemish on the greens meant a 1-point 7 and now within 3 of the lead ... 13 saw a towering iron pin high but on the fringe but he caressed the ball into the hole for his third 4-pointer . Momentum still building and maintained as he reduced the daunting 14 to a drive, iron approach to green and 2 putts for 3 more precious points . He was to top his drive at 15 , only travelling 75 yards and his second kept him out of position on the left of the fairway . Despite that horror start he somehow managed to salvage a 2 point 6 , an effort good enough to now hit the front , 2 points clear with 3 holes to go. Drury stepped it up with a decent tee shot leaving him 15 feet away and he again showed  his putting prowess with a 4th 4-pointer to take total command of the competition . A couple of 2-point 5s in the final two holes left him on a truly magnificent 43 points and a convincing victory . Mr. Stableford 2020 has now taken the last couple of  board comps of that ilk and the handicapper was duly impressed with his efforts , cutting him a further 1.8 to a new mark of 13.7 . Dave was very complimentary of his playing partners Christian, Gleave and Hackett with their support but today saw him strike an incredible 4 4-point birdies but also show quality course management in the face of the many distractions of his public , the few occasions he got out of position ,  an ever-heavier golf bag (given that he had  ‘bravely’ shunned the use of a trolley) AND the occasional inferior play of his playing partners which required patience at a premium . 

The third Board Competition of his Alty career and this observer will not be surprised if further challenges develop this season for a player with all the attributes to get his handicap even lower . 

George Sainthouse ( 21/19/40 ) has had a mixed start to his post-lockdown campaign but ominously had a top 10 finish last week . Today he started brilliantly with back to back 3-pointers on the opening couple of holes and added 3 further excellent scores on 5,6 and 7 with his only reverses on 3 and 6 to finish in the joint lead at the turn . A trio of 5’s started his back 9 with the highlight his magnificent 4 point par 5  on 12 which meant that he stood on the daunting 13th tee 3 points clear with just 6 holes to go ! Could he produce a vintage Amen Corner performance to consolidate ? Sadly not as George struggled and could only pick up 4 points from them to find himself now playing catch-up in joint second. A 3-pointer par 3 on 16 gave him a glimmer of hope but he could only get regulation 2-pointers on the final two holes to leave  him three points down . A truly stellar effort from the former enforcer to finish in a gallant second place cruelly thwarted by those crucial Amen Corner holes. The handicapper cut him 0.9 to a new mark of 18.6 for his efforts . 


David Royle (16/23/39) had a horror start blobbing 2 of the first 3 holes and with a lowly 4 point total as he stood on the 5th tee . He gave a champion response with 5 consecutive pars to get within 5 of the leader at the turn .

Royle then showed his undoubted  class with a truly wonderful 2-under gross 34 back  9 which Stableford -wise was worth 23 points ( second only to the winner ) , and highlighted with a couple of 4 point birdie 3s on 14 and 17 after an explosive 3-point birdie 3 on 10 . His only reverse was a sloppy 1-pointer on 13 but he never quite got near enough to properly challenge finishing 4 points shy but knowing that his sluggish start was crucial in affecting his finishing position today . The handicapper rewarded the Club Champion  by cutting him 0.4 to a new mark of 5.5 . 


 Mark Snape (17/22/39) was another low-handicapper who found it hard to get going today with 1-pointers on the opening couple of holes immediately sending him tumbling down the field . His 17 point front 9  saw him par 6 of the final 7 holes with 3-point salvos on 5 and 7 the highlights .

4 points off the lead at the turn , Snape responded magnificently to the challenge with a decent effort holes 10-15 with superb  birdies on 10(3pt) and 12(4pt) putting him on 33 points and only 2 off the lead as the final three championship holes came into view . Sadly a sloppy 1-pointer on 16 effectively ended his chances and although he parred in for 5 more points it left him on 39 and 4 short . His decentfourth-placed finish aroused the attention of the handicapper who cut him 0.4 to 6.2 . 


Keith Ralston (17/21/38) also had a rollercoaster start taking just 8 points from his opening quintet of holes with 1-pointers on 1,5 and a blob on 3 stalling any challenge . Yet Mark regrouped well and parred his last 4 holes with the highlight a 3-pointer on 7 . Further angst was awaiting him on the benign 10/11 axis with only 3 points gained as it was then his turn to take on our Amen Corner holes . He did well , plundering 10 points with 3 pointers highlighted by 3-pointing two of them , a quality birdie 2 on 13 and par on 14 .

He thus stood on  the 16th tee 5 points adrift but sadly too far back to challenge although an 8-point finishing blast did gave him a very good 38 point total and 5th place with the handicappers’ 0.2 cut taking him to a new mark of 9.6 . 


Special mentions ...


Keith Walton Jr. (19/19/38) profuced a decent round of golf  with excellent 3-pointers on 2,4 and 7 tempered with 1-point reverses on 1 and 6 .He repeated his 19 point front 9 haul on the back 9 but once again he could never quite gain sufficient momentum as his 3 pointers on 11 ( superb birdie 3 ). 15 and 18 were nullified by 1-pointers on 12 and the benign 16th . A welcome 0.3 cut from the handicapper brought him to a new mark of 13.2. with an encouraging 6th placed finish AND beating KW Sr on countback ! 


Any thoughts that evergreen ball-striker Keith Walton Sr (20/18/38) had of being in contention rose after a  front 9 that saw his highlights 3-pointers on 3,4 and 7 and his only 1-pointer on 2 leaving him on 20 points and just one off the lead at the turn. A poor start to his back  9 saw him gather only 4 points from the initial trio of holes and despite a spirited finish which saw him take 3-pointers at 13,15 and 17 his 38 point finish saw him 5 points away but his 7th place finish was good enough to attract a 0.3 cut from the handicapper which crucially enabled him to maintain family dominance to a new mark of 12.8 just 0.4 better than ‘Junior’ .  


Stephen Whyte ( 21/10/31) stormed into the joint lead after a magnificent  front 9 where he had parred his initial trio of holes . Although he blobbed the 4th a further 3-pointer on 6 and magnificent 4pt birdie on 8 took him to the outright lead as he stood on the deceptively tricky 8th but he could only  1-point 9 .Sadly Stephens lack of regular game-time perhaps contributed to a disastrous 4-blob effort on his closing holes for 28th placed finish but great to see him showing glimpses of form again . 

Defending Champion Watch ...

Mark Terris was sadly not available to defend his trophy today . 


Overall , a day where our course was noticeably bouncier on the fairways , improving on the greens and where the members seemed to find the back 9 easier today . With no less than 7 members attracting the attention of the handicapper a day where the course was slightly more benign than usual but which still saw only 9 members beat their handicap in the sunny conditions .