2 min read
The Roland and James West Shield

The mere fact that the Roland and James West Shield ever came to fruition is of particular satisfaction to your observer (Paul Hackett ) given that it was he who brought forward the idea to have an ‘elite’ competition ( for those with 15 handicap or less ) played the same day as the Diggle Trophy , a popular part of our Board Competition schedule restricted to those members with a handicap of 16 and over because he felt that it was unfair for part of our membership to have less Board Competitions than others .

After initially gaining the support of the great man James West himself in permitting him to lend his ( and his fathers name ) to the creation of a new Board Competition , your scribe then gratefully gained the support of fellow Handicap Committee members Jason Denton and Bernie Wood to put it to the Committee . 2018 Captain Robert W. Kay was particularly supportive and was generous enough to put up his own funds which allowed Hackett to personally procure the Shield that commemorates two of the biggest legends associated with our club . Roland West was a popular golf professional with our club for many years whilst his son James has the distinction of winning 33 Board Competitions which was more than anyone in the history of the club ( until his former golfing partner and friend Danny Miller equalled his tally last week ) with his tally including the Club Championship on ten occasions , the Tom Povey Trophy nine times and the RAFA trophy three times . James remains very much part of the fabric of the club and the family were delighted to accept the invitation on the day . He performed the ceremonial tee-off to the  inaugural 2019 event .

David Royle (40/34/74/5/69) gained consolation for the loss of his Club Champion crown with a magnificent victory today . David started slowly and although he played the opening two holes to handicap he tumbled down the field with consecutive bogeys on 3 and 4 . Although he regrouped immediately with a superb net birdie 4 on 5 then regulation pars on 6,8 ,9 he again slumped to a sloppy double bogey on 7 meaning that he got to the turn at +3 , 5 strokes off the lead .Royle was obviously frustrated by his performance , resolved to improve ( like we all do ) and showed his class with a sparkling flawless back 9 . After playing the benign 10th in regulation par he made his move , starting with a fine birdie 3 on 11 then consolidating his momentum with another gain to handicap parring 12 . Another regulation par on 13 was followed by a sensational end to his Amen Corner holes , parring the tricky 14th for a further gain then a sublime birdie 4 on 15 to catapult himself into a 2 stroke lead as his rivals faltered to a man . David maintained form , a regulation par on 16 precluding his fifth net birdie of the journey home on 17 which proved to be the crucial play with a final regulation par seeing him convert the back 9 -5 net and a superb -2 gross , good enough to post a net 69 to win the Shield by a stroke . Another member who has regrouped after the turn to find glory , in this case , from an elite field to claim his 6th Board Competition of his Alty career .

Newly crowned 2021 Club Champion Danny Miller (40/39/79/9/70) stood on the first tee knowing that he was in great form evidenced by his historical victory just a week earlier and with the further boost that he had drawn level with his former playing partner and friend James West at the top of the Board Competition standings . Ever hungry and focused , what would be a better way to gain a record-breaking 34th trophy than to win the Shield which bears his great friend and rivals’ name ? 

Danny started poorly with the opening hole spoiling matters for him immediately giving two strokes to the field with a sloppy double bogey 6 . Typically Danny regrouped well , playing the next 7 holes without blemish highlighted by net birdie 4s on 2 and 7 … although once again he would drop a shot on an ‘easier’ hole ( this time the 9th ) , Miller got to the turn  at +1 which was 3 strokes down on the field and still very much in contention . His next 6 holes would turn out to be frustratingly rollercoaster with his gains on 11 (fine birdie 3) and 15 (net birdie 5) tempered with bogey reverses on 12 and 14 , his Amen Corner adventure better than most but still leaving him two strokes behind the leader . Standing on the 16th tee still in contention , could the great man summon up a devastating late charge to take this elite Shield ? Sadly and inexplicably Danny succumbed to a bogey 4 on what is generally regarded to be the easiest hole on the course to effectively scupper his chances . Although Danny tigerishly gained a massive three strokes in those final two holes ( courtesy of a net birdie 4 on 17 then a sensational net eagle 3 on 18) the crucial Royle net birdie on 17 had placed him out of reach and his net 70 left him one stroke behind in second place , a superb effort but one where he can rue his easy hole lapses that blighted his round and kept the Shield from his grasp again .